What's Better Than One Car? Not This
This is kind of a cool concept, but that's probably where this should've stayed: in the concept phase. It just raises so many questions: Do you drive from the right side or the left? Is it street-legal? How do you park it? Maybe you can drive it from both sides, but is that even possible from an engineering perspective? One thing is for sure: Whoever built this thing had an imagination.
They were also probably pretty talented when it comes to working on vehicles because it can't be very easy joining two cars together to make one brand-new Frankencar.
Someone Turned Their SSR Into a Literal Beast
Creating cars that look like real-life characters isn't just for cartoons. It's for car owners too. This driver turned their SSR, which is a really fast truck, into a menacing-looking monster. They replaced the hood or did a lot of work to the stock hood and turned it into a nose. The driver also added teeth to the grill and eyes to the headlights that kind of look reptilian.
It actually appears as if the entire front bumper is custom, although normal SSRs usually had a pretty curvy front bumper when they came straight from the factory, so it could've just been altered.
We Found Nemo and He Doesn't Look So Good
Nemo looks like he's seen better days. This car probably looked really nice when it was first completed, but it also appears as if it's been sitting out in the elements for a while. The paint is peeling, there's rust everywhere, and there doesn't appear to be any tires on the car. Also, Nemo looks a little strung out, but that probably looked that way before the car was left out.
You've got to give it to whoever built this thing, though. Like a lot of other cars on this list, it borders on being an art piece in addition to being a car.
This Driver Is "Toast" If They Get Pulled Over
Someone snapped this photo while they were out on the road, and it shows a car that's been made to look like a toaster. The vehicle's owner even somehow added two giant pieces of toast sticking out of the roof. He's also pulling a trailer that looks like a plate of butter, which is just awesome and shows dedication. However, we're sure the pieces of toast hurt his gas mileage a bit.
This also begs the question: Do they always drive around with a trailer that looks like butter? They'd have to if they always wanted the look to appear complete.
Someone... Um, Modified a Hearse
There aren't very many ways you can modify a hearse to make it look more acceptable to drive around. That's probably why this driver just decided to lean into it and go all in by adding a sticker on the side that reads, "Mournhub." It's not even that big of a change, but we're sure they're turning some heads now, regardless. Although, we're not really sure why they added roof racks.
There are a couple of other questions we have about this custom job and what this hearse is now used for, but we'll leave those to the imagination.
Custom Kickstand Shaped Like a Chicken Leg
We're not sure if this person's kickstand broke and they had to replace it or not, but we're digging this kickstand that looks like a chicken leg. It actually kind of looks like the driver made it themselves using a piece of rebar, but they could've also just pulled it off of something else. The best part about this modification is that it's functional, even if it looks a little dangerous.
The toes might even work better for dispersing weight than a traditional kickstand would since these usually only have one point of contact with the ground when they're stuck.
The Knock-Off Version of Cars' Character Mater
If there's a more beloved character from Disney's Cars than Mater, we can't think of them. That might be why someone converted their old truck to look just like the character. They took the grill out, popped the hood completely off, and added some teeth and eyes. And while we're sure this old truck still runs great, we're having a bit of a hard time spotting an engine in there.
Still, we're sure this thing is a hit with the owner's kids or pretty much anyone that just happens to pass by and spot it, for that matter.
A Station Wagon With the Heart of a Sports Car
They say to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is exactly what this station wagon is doing. The owner painted a really accurate image of a Mercedes on the side of their car. It's so accurate that we couldn't even tell this was a station wagon at first glance. They even added little ornaments where the side vents on a Mercedes would normally go.
The only thing that kind of looks out of place is the rims, but if those were accurate, then this portrait would be even more convincing at first glance than it already is.
This Ride's Making Us Hungry
Most people have heard of the wiener mobile before. Well, this is that car's cousin. Someone completely reworked their entire truck to make it look like a giant hamburger, and it's pretty awesome. In fact, it's bordering on being more so a piece of art than an actual vehicle. They even added little details li splashes of ketchup, onions, and a slice of cheese on the top of the hood.
In addition, we're sure that the top bun provides some shade on sunny days. Although, we can't imagine this thing handles very well, nor does it look like it's fun to park.
When You Decide to Switch Back to Using Old-School Maps
This modification brings back some memories. This person replaced all of the carpets in their car with one of those old play mats that you could use to drive cars on. Honestly, this is really clever on a lot of levels, and we're sure this mat is much more rugged than the carpet that was originally in their car. Plus, they won't ever need to refer to Google Maps again while they're driving.
Okay, jokes aside, this does look pretty unique and funny car modification. It also looks like it probably took a lot of work to get it to look like it was stock.
Thank Goodness They Brought a Spare Tire
It's not all that uncommon to see a jacked-up truck or Jeep, but the modifications to this Jeep raise some alarms. Firstly, if one of the tires on this truck ever has a flat, then that's game over because there is no way the spare on the back is going to fit. Secondly, as bold as these tires look, that scenario might become a reality sooner rather than later.
That said, we're sure this person doesn't use this thing as their daily driver. It's much more likely that it's only brought out for car shows or when they feel like driving across a river.
This Volkswagen Is Having an Identity Crisis
It might be kind of difficult to tell at first since Porsches look like Volkswagen Beetles from the back, but this is the latter. The driver added an emblem on the back that spells "Poorsche," which is pretty clever. It also kind of makes sense, considering that the person who founded Porsche actually designed the original Volkswagen Beetle way back in the day. That might be why they kind of look like each other.
Beetles aren't super cheap either, so this person probably could've found a used Porsche for around the same price as the Beetle if they bought the latter brand new.
We Call This One "car Inception"
There are some pretty meta car modifications on this list, but this might be right there near the top of the list. Someone, or a car company, attached hundreds of tiny toy cars to a real vehicle. And honestly, we'd like to know why and how. You would think that these things would fly off while you're driving down the road if they were simply glued onto the body.
There's also something that's just weirdly satisfying about the symmetry of all the toy cars lined up row after row. It probably took dozens, if not hundreds, of hours to complete.
If Only Red Flags Were Always This Easy to Spot
We think it's safe to say that whoever drives this truck is a pretty big fan of Angelina Jolie. We just wonder if she's ever seen this photo. Someone plastered their truck with stickers of the movie actress. Not only that, but these aren't stickers you'd normally be able to find at an auto parts store, meaning that all of these had to be custom-made by someone. We can't imagine what was going through that person's mind.
This person even got a custom tag for their vehicle that reads "JOLIE1." It's probably safe to say we aren't as much of a fan of Brad Pitt. It's also probably safe to say that this level of fandom is probably a tad bit unhealthy.
Special Edition AMC Gremlin: The General Dollar
Have you ever heard of a Gremlin or the company that made them, AMC? If you haven't, you're not the only one. They're pretty old cars, but they still have a cult following. This Gremlin driver turned their car into a version of the "General Lee" from the 80s show Dukes of Hazzard. The actual car that was used in the show was a Dodge Charger, which is a bit different from a Gremlin.
It's a pretty quirky-looking car even when it's not modified, so to see one completely redone in the likeness of an iconic muscle car is kind of hilarious.
That's One Kitty Cat We Have No Interest in Petting
Apparently, this car is pretty famous and has even made an appearance on Jay Leno's Garage. The car's name is Wrinkles, and it's supposed to resemble a wrinkly cat. The person who modified the car certainly achieved their aim. It's actually kind of terrifying. Just imagine seeing this thing while you're driving down a dark road in the middle of the night. We'd probably swerve and run into a ditch or something.
Luckily, you don't have to worry about that happening. At least, not unless you live and drive in the state of Texas, which is where this car is located.
The Batmobile's (Very) Distant Cousin
This is another really cool modified car, and it would fit perfectly alongside the car that's shaped like a cat. Someone took what appears to be some kind of truck and just turned the entire thing into a menacing-looking rat mobile. It's complete with red eyes and a tail that is probably a road hazard. Still, this thing would be fun to drive down the road or over the top of a car.
However, it looks like it'd be a bit difficult to see out of the windshield, especially considering that it's not even level with the window on the side. But that's a small price to pay to ride around in a truck shaped like an evil mouse.
This Driver Likes Minions... And Bears?
This is pretty random, but it's also a great mashup. The tailgate on this truck is wrapped in vinyl that depicts a minion and a bear. We're sure there's some kind of meaning to all of it, but only the driver knows what that meaning is. Still, we really like minions, especially when they're dressed like little hitmen. It also just looks incredibly real if you stare at it long enough.
This was probably a custom wrap since we're not aware of any other cars that have a minion that looks like it just took out a fully-grown black bear.
Cinderblock Cupholders for a Spill-Free Ride
When you buy an old vehicle, there are some things that you should just expect to go without. For example, you can probably kiss power windows goodbye. But we still get this driver not being able to bye to having a cup holder. They decided to make their own using a cinderblock which, aside from being a pretty big hazard if they ever get into a wreck, appears as if it works well.
We imagine some busted knuckles might be involved if they ever forget that they're dealing with a cinderblock and reach down fast to grab their cup, though.
Girls 18-45, Please Do Not Call This Number
This is probably the creepiest car modification on this list, if it can even be called that. This old man wrote his phone number on the side of his car, along with an invitation for women to call him if they needed a place to stay. We don't see any fine print but rest assured there are probably plenty of stipulations to this offer, none of which we imagine would be enjoyable.
People online were also able to do a simple Google search and link the number to somewhere in North Carolina, although this number could've been changed since this photo was taken.
No Taillight? No Problem - Just Throw a Pig Back There
Imagine the look on this driver's face when this pig popped out the back taillight of the car in front of them. There was probably a bit of shock before they were able to refocus and quickly snap this photo. The poor pig looks like it's back there screaming for its life, but fortunately, there seems to be someone in the back with it, making sure it's doing okay.
However, this does make us wonder exactly where they're taking it. Are they just transporting it from one location to another, or are they heading to the local butchery?
Worse Than the Fish Men Hold on Their Dating App Profiles
We're not sure why or what would want to make you turn your car into a catfish, but we're digging this Volkswagen Beetle. The owner added fins everywhere, along with whiskers and even a custom paint job, so that it would better resemble a catfish. Oh, and there is also a brand-new bumper shaped like a catfish's wide mouth. This whole thing had to be done for a catfish house somewhere.
It's also kind of funny that we've never realized just how much a Volkswagen Beetle actually resembles a catfish until seeing this photo of one turned into a fish.
If Legoland Also Had a Mechanic's Shop
Someone got really inventive with their bolt-ons. They installed an intake shaped like a Lego person, along with a couple of Lego blocks that (we hope) just act as covers. You probably can't buy these from Lego either, meaning this was all made by someone who just really loved both Lego and working on cars. Hopefully, the company sees this photo and realizes there's a whole other market they could tap into.
For some odd reason, Lego and car parts just feel like they would work well in some way. We could see people buying these to throw in their own cars.
A Car That's Out of This World
There are some pretty big Star Wars fans out there, but we've never seen anyone go as far as turn their hood into Yoda. This was definitely a custom job that probably took plenty of hours to complete. However, it's not the best rendition of Yoda we've ever seen. In fact, it's kind of scary, and seeing this a night be a little alarming until you realize precisely what it is.
Still, you have to admire the dedication here. This person knew what they wanted, and they went for it, perhaps a little too hard, but that's not the point.
The Fast And The Furr-Ious
What day it would be if this car passed you on the highway. If you didn't already know what all of these stickers were referring to, then it's referring to a lifestyle that's called being a "furry." It's basically when you enjoy things relating to anthropomorphized animals, such as dressing up as a dog. There are a couple of stickers in this photo that are very specific to the furry community, but we're not going to get into those.
Aside from all that, this is actually a very expensive and very nice sports car that has gotten a custom paint job, which we're sure was also pretty expensive.
This Car Is Not Like Most Cars
A couple of studies out there suggest you can tell how aggressive someone is just by the number of bumper stickers they have on their vehicle. While that might be true, we don't see anything aggressive about the bumper of this Mazda. It just looks hilarious. And honestly, we feel like the driver would probably be a pretty entertaining person to hang out with. Notice we used the word "entertaining."
Still, this isn't the worst modification you can do to your car, and it's not nearly the worst one on this list. It's just a random assortment of bumper stickers that all say some pretty random things.
Why so Sad?
There are body kits you can buy from a car website or at the store, and then there is this. Someone had to have made this because we can't imagine a car parts manufacturer going: "You know what people would really like? If we created a body kit that would make it look like your car is biting its lip." Then again, we could be totally wrong, and this could sell on Amazon.
It is actually kind of looks like a character you might see on Disney's Cars or on some other kind of show that has cars that look and act like people.
When You Use Spares From Your Kid's Toy Car
Here's another modification that makes us scratch our heads. For some reason, someone added fenders that hide their car's tires and make it look like the vehicle is riding on extremely small rims. At least, we hope that's what we're looking at because there are no way tires that small would be able to support the weight of a car, even if there were four tires in total in the back.
We do like how they basically kept the same rim style you'd normally see on a Subaru, though. It helps make it look like the car really is riding on 5-inch rims.
Sturdy as a Brick Wall
There's a close-up photo here to show that those are indeed a bunch of bricks on the outside of this car, but we're having a hard time believing this. Bricks are usually a lot thicker or have a lot more width than what is shown in the second photo. They're also very heavy, meaning that if this car was covered in bricks, it'd barely be able to drive.
Still, it certainly looks unique. And if someone did just lay a bunch of bricks on their car, then hats off to them. That wouldn't be easy, especially with how symmetrical these look.
The New Model From Boeing
Boeing and Airbus aren't known for their car models, but this certainly looks like it could've rolled out of one of their plants. In fact, it's probably just the front end of an airplane that someone took and stuck on top of a car frame. Still, it's about as modded as it can get, and it honestly doesn't look that bad. This would work great as a limo substitute, even if it's a bit showier.
It would also make for a pretty cool party bus, especially if it came with its own stewards, but we seriously doubt that's the case. It's much more likely this just acts as a promotional vehicle.
Spotted: Extraordinarily Large Lobster on the Shore
We love lobster. We love the lobster character in The Little Mermaid, we love to see lobsters out in the wild, and we also love to eat lobsters. Basically, lobsters are great anywhere and everywhere. Well, that's what we thought until we came across this photo. Someone remodeled their car to look like a giant lobster, and we got to admit that it's totally creeping us out.
Just look at the detail of this automobile modification. The legs, the claws, and even the texture of the lobster are all freakishly real-looking.
If "Hold My Beer" Was a Truck
This is probably the unique truck on this list, and that's saying a lot. Somehow this truck owner managed to fit the body of his car on top of tank tracks. How exactly it works, or if it works at all, is a mystery. We're also not sure what garage this person found the bottom half of a tank in, but we're pretty sure they probably need a permit for that.
It's also possible that these tracks belonged to something like a bulldozer or backhoe, which honestly seems like the much likelier scenario. Either way, this is a feat of hillbilly engineering.
Even If You Think You Can, Sometimes You Shouldn't
We'll give it to whoever built this custom hood; they're pretty talented, even if Thomas looks a little like he's recovering from a bender. However, we can't help but think that this car would've looked better if there wasn't a front end of a steam locomotive jutting out from the hood. They even went as far as to paint the rest of the car in the same color scheme.
That said, this car is probably pretty popular at children's birthday parties, which is honestly probably what it's for. Either that, or it's used at a theme park that features trains.
Lightning McQueen Has Arrived
Alright, we won't lie; this one kind of impressed us. It's one of the better Lightning McQueen cars we've seen out there - and there are a surprising amount of people who want to drive Lightning McQueen. Granted, this iteration of McQueen looks like he'd be more at home mud-riding than actually racing on a race track, but it's still a really nice car, and we wouldn't mind taking it for a ride.
We wonder how much it costs to put this modification together. Did they do the paint job themselves or take it to a professional?
The Devil Works Hard but This Driver Works Harder
As far as Volkswagen Beetles go, this is probably one of the more modded we've seen. This person tricked out their old-school Beetle by adding a pitchfork where the antennae should go and adding horns and a tail. They even painted the entire car a candy apple red and left the trunk black. You could also probably use this as a daily driver, as opposed to some of the other heavily modified cars on this list.
That is, if you'd be okay with being known locally as the person who drives "that" car, which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world or the worst car on this list.
If the Amish Had Cars
Okay, so the Amish would probably be driving around normal cars if they allowed themselves to drive cars. But these rims certainly do look like rims you'd see on an old-school buggy. That said, this thing also looks pretty dangerous. Those rims, stacked next to each other, barely look like they're able to support the weight of the car. The wheels themselves also look kind of flimsy and prone to bending.
Suffice it to say this modification probably doesn't do much for ride comfort. Those rims would also probably be really expensive to replace if you mess them up somehow. Where kind of rim or tire shop would you even go to in order to get those repaired?
It's All About Rideability
This is honestly genius. Someone strapped a gaming chair to their scooter, and we're all for it. If you've ever ridden a scooter, then you know that they aren't usually the most comfortable things to ride on, so this totally makes sense. It might look a little wonky, but we're sure this person doesn't care too much if the ride is a bit better, especially if they're out all day delivering packages.
They just need to be careful because that looks like it's quite a bit of weight on the back axle, which would throw the balance off and cause much more wear.
RVs Are One Thing You Shouldn't DIY
Do many people live in RVs? Sure. Do you need your RV to look like it was cobbled together using a bunch of parts from different homes? Maybe if you're this person. Someone completely covered their camper doors and wood panels. They even threw in an old piano on the back for good measure. At first glance, the camper actually looks more like a building than it does a camper.
It's probably one of the heaviest mods on this list, too, in terms of added weight. It's like adding the whole outside of a house onto your vehicle.